Position Statements

Putting an end to anal testing in Lebanon – The role of LebMASH

Summary: In 2012, an initial partial ban on anal testing was issued. However, there were multiple reports that showed that anal testing continued to take place despite the ban. LebMASH played a significant role in cementing the ban on anal testing in 2014 through raising public awareness on the issue and lobbying with the Lebanese…

Statement on World Aids Day 2016

Over 2,400 people living with HIV infection are estimated to live in Lebanon (1). Stigma and discrimination towards this population, as a consequence of their HIV status, result in significant negative consequences on their health and wellbeing (2) (3) (4). These issues affect a lot of people living with HIV in Lebanon and play an…


On this International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health (LebMASH) would like to take the opportunity to remind government officials, Lebanese police and security forces, policy makers, health care professionals, and the public in general that persecution and marginalization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people and other…

Statement from the Lebanese Psychiatric Society (LPS)

To whom it may concern We have been reading lately in newspapers about arrests and abuse of homosexuals in Lebanon. We also became aware of some positions taken by professionals regarding homosexuals and ways to treat them psychologically.The Lebanese Psychiatric Society would like to state its position regarding homosexuality.Homosexuality was once thought to be the…

LebMASH’s response to granting a transman the right to change his sex on legal documents

An original decision by the Lebanese court had denied a transgender man (born with female genitalia but identifies with male gender) the right to change their sex on their legal documents. Following this decision, the Court of Appeal in Lebanon represented by judge Jeanette Hanna reinstated this right considering that it is linked to three…

Anal tests for homosexuality are not useful in assessing someone’s sexual orientation or behavior and can be harmful physically and psychologically

The Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health (LebMASH) has recently learned that a Forensic physician in Lebanon, Dr. A. M. has conducted anal tests on several individuals to determine their sexual orientation. LebMASH is extremely concerned to hear that this practice, “the anal test”, continues to take place in Lebanon especially given that: This test…

LebMASH responds to a concerned Lebanese

On July 21st 2013, a “Concerned Lebanese”  left the following comment on our post: Response to Dr. Khoury’s interview about homosexuality. My apologies if I come across as belligerent, but I have some criticism of this article (Which I believe to be poorly researched) Did you know that this “world leader on mental health” was actually…